Leadership Skills during Uncertain Times -- On Line Workshop April 6

Mon. April 6, 2020    5:30-7 pm   Cost: suggested $10 donation to host Space on Main, Bradford, VT

Leadership is challenging enough in normal times, but requires additional skills and focus during periods of uncertainty (such as we are presently experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic). Uncertainty creates stress as people are suddenly pulled out of their comfort zones and need reassurance. This on-line workshop, led by Dr. Douglass Teschner, will draw on his experience in West Africa during the 2014 Ebola epidemic. The 1.5-hour session will provide practical tools to build trust and confidence to enhance motivation, collaboration, and productivity. This workshop is designed for leaders in business and organizations and those who aspire to such roles, as well as people who exhibit informal leadership in everyday life situations. We never know when an unexpected challenge will occur, so it is vital to continuously learn and grow to be ready.

To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leadership-skills-for-uncertain-times-tickets-101212086074?fbclid=IwAR36mdGte_Dk-bWl0HZLD1vRnbVWRkaQ9_AUy0SHK3Kqh0BXC4M3PkFrzbE

Douglass Teschner