Beyond the Politics of Contempt

How are you being affected by events in our nation? Are you losing sleep after watching the national news? Is your health and well-being being affected? Are you finding you can’t talk with your brother-in-law or other relatives, friends, and neighbors? In our upcoming book, we make the case for embracing hope in these challenging times. You can see the book cover in the “Together Across Differences” newsletter

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Douglass Teschner
Planting Seeds of Hope Across Politics

Braver Angels volunteers have been working with the NH House of Representatives since 2021. On December 19, 2024, more than 90 state representatives attended our sixth workshop, focused on skills for managing difficult conversations with colleagues. Speaker Sherman Packard told participants, “Even when we disagree, we must always strive to engage with understanding and respect.”

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Douglass Teschner
What Are Your Plans for 2025?

Taking on new projects is a great way to learn, grow, and make a difference, but we need to prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the challenges required. As we begin the new year, I encourage you to consider: Is there something new you want to do this year? What are you willing to let go of? What can you do to prepare for the challenges required?

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Douglass Teschner
Finding Holiday Glimmers

I don’t know about you, but I often find myself frustrated by the holiday season. The commercialization of Christmas can obliterate its deeper meaning. But I have learned to look for special moments that my therapist calls glimmers. A glimmer is something special that pops up amid everyday life, moments that bring pause and a sense of awe. They can happen at any time, not just at Christmas, but maybe I appreciate them more this time of year.

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Douglass Teschner
How We See Others Is a Reflection of Ourselves

With the election behind us, here is a useful exercise. Reflect on your values  –  and ultimately your heart – and how you think and act toward others with different political views. Given that (1) most people aspire to high values and (2) there is such a strong political divide in our country, I suspect that many will see a gap between their values and how they think about the candidate they didn’t vote for (and perhaps their supporters as well).

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Douglass Teschner
An Alternative to Fight, Flight, or Avoidance of Hard Discussions

Whether with family members or work colleagues, the ability to have a productive discussion when there is disagreement is increasingly challenging, especially when the discussion veers into politics. Courageous conversation is usually a productive way, applying concrete skills to constructively engage with others. This requires practice, but using these skills can significantly up your game.   

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Douglass Teschner
Are You Living Your Values in How You See Others?

Do you recall situations when your actions failed to live up to your values? For example, do you believe that everyone deserves dignity and respect? This is a simple idea that I suspect most people agree with, at least in principle. As hard as it can feel sometimes, I think it is better to not exclude anyone. You can read my full column titled “Dignity and Respect” in New Hampshire Business Review at

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Douglass Teschner
A Special Letter from 1964

I found a few treasures last year when cleaning out our house, including a 1964 letter from my Uncle Phil after the death of my father. Rereading this letter, I appreciate his shared wisdom and something even more important. The way he reached out in such a personal, thoughtful way was so valuable. In today’s fast-paced and high-tech times, taking the time to communicate that you care  – whether by letter or a thoughtful conversation – seems almost like a lost art.   

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Douglass Teschner
The One Person Who Can Change Your Life

Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go in your life? What gives you meaning? Too often in our busy lives, we skim along life’s surface, without being sure we are investing time and energy in what is most important. To avoid frustration and regret, set aside time for reflection and adjustment. You can read my NH Business Review column on this topic at

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Douglass Teschner