What Are Your Plans for 2025?

I have never been big on New Year’s resolutions, but last year I felt motivated to write a book. One year later, my co-author and I are working on the fourth draft and hope to have it published this spring. Our current working title is American Hope: Practical Steps to Better Our Lives, Mend Relationships, and Build a Braver Politics

The fundamental idea is that, in this climate of widespread contempt and even hatred for people who disagree politically, there is hope for our country. Each of us can help build a culture of kindness, dignity, and respect. Our book includes concrete ways to help mend relationships with friends and family that have been torn apart by politics. We include skills to help people feel empowered and confident when difficult conversations about politics arise with neighbors and work colleagues. 

What has this last year been like for me? In a nutshell, arduous. I thought the writing would take only a few months and underestimated the publishing process. Of course, there have been good moments, but this has required more grit and discipline than expected. I also had to let go of other tasks. 

For 2025, I am focused on getting the book into print (including fundraising for some needed costs to ensure quality) to be followed by a substantial marketing effort. This will be on top of ongoing commitments to maintain my health and stay connected with family and friends. 

Taking on new projects is a great way to learn, grow, and make a difference, but we each need to prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the challenges required. As we begin the new year, I encourage you to consider:

·       Is there something new you want to do this year?

·       What are you willing to let go of?

·       What can you do to prepare for the challenges required? 

Good luck and best for 2025! 

We each have an extraordinary opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. Don’t underestimate your impact! 

Douglass Teschner