Webinar on Effective Delegation

On May 22, 2019, a webinar was conducted for US Department of State Passport Customer Service Managers nationwide. This was a follow up to the New Orleans training in December 2018 on “Leadership that Inspires a Meaningful Workplace” and the Feb. 2019 webinar on “Using Influence to Create a Positive Work Climate.”  One of the participants had previously observed, “The most difficult part of the job is delegating . . . I tend to do some things on my own.” — a common complaint by many of us! Dr. Teschner presented the obstacles to effective delegation and shared ways to overcome them with proactive planning. The many positive aspects of delegation include uncovering the skills and capabilities of others, empowering people to grow, aiding the creation of future leaders, expanding the supervisor’s influence and personal power, and freeing the leader to do other important work.

Douglass Teschner