Building Trust Creates Positive Results

Research shows that only 40% of workers have a high level of trust in their management, and only 34% say they are engaged in their work. The correlation between these two statistics is alarmingly clear! In his classic book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey writes, “It simply makes no difference how good the rhetoric is or even how good the intentions are; if there is little or no trust, there is no foundation for permanent success.” 
Most people are quick to agree that trust is a basic building block of leadership effectiveness, but how many leaders actually do what is necessary to achieve it? How many of us are fully honest with ourselves regarding how our actions create (or undermine) positive relationships with colleagues?  
Achieving trust requires ongoing self-reflection, including a deep understanding of how our actions and behavior impact others. This must be coupled with a commitment to ongoing personal development and relationship building. There are obviously many demands during the workday so this isn’t going to happen without proactively devoting time to be present and fully engaged with people at work.

New Hampshire Business Review has published Dr. Teschner’s latest Growing Leadership column entitled “Building Trust Nets Results -- Investing in Relationships is Necessary to Maximize Business Success."  You can read the full article here:
For Further Thought:  Reflect on your relationships with your team. Do staff trust you? How do you know?  Do you and those you work with have the skills, training, and support they need to be trusted leaders? List three things you could you take to increase staff trust at all levels?
We each have an extraordinary opportunity to make a positive difference in peoples’ lives (including our own). Don’t underestimate your impact!

Douglass Teschner